
“Some people have lives; some people have music.”
 withoutgravity, для тебя двойное привествие!!
Добро пожаловать на просторы дайри и в мою скромную обитель))
располагайся :flower::white:

@темы: ПыЧики


“Some people have lives; some people have music.”
папа меня сейчас убил.
он лежит в больнице, приехал домой ненадолго - врачи отпустили.
заходит ко мне в комнату: "Лель, дай почитать чего-нибудь"
у меня шок...он точно не будет читать то, что я читаю.
предложила "Метро 2033", не прокатило. решила "Голодные игры" в массы протолкнуть, тоже не пошло.
Я * безнадежно*: ну что именно тебе надо?

ну что-нибудь про лихие 90-е?
*мысленно* Бля, пап, я похожа на ту, кто читает такие книги...

пожертвовала ему свою электронную книгу, качаю книжки в нете...

@темы: житие мое

“Some people have lives; some people have music.”

@темы: Harry Potter

“Some people have lives; some people have music.”

@темы: Harry Potter

“Some people have lives; some people have music.”

@темы: The Hunger Games


“Some people have lives; some people have music.”
мама у меня коры мочит!!!!
сегодня ставят лоджии у нас и пришел муж у сестры, чтобы проследить...
мама оправляет меня в магазин, муж пожалел меня, так как я болею и вызвался сам.
и мама такая: "Чего ты яйца будешь покупать что ли?"
муж у сестры: " А что на это лицензия нужна?"))))))))


“Some people have lives; some people have music.”
все-таки я такая деффачка стала..
раньше терпеть не могла юбки и платья...а теперь столько платьев, что запутаться можно.
и тем не менее, сегодня ездили с подругой в Казань и я оттуда приехала с очередным черным платьем..кто бы сомневался, что с черным...

@темы: житие мое

“Some people have lives; some people have music.”

Agent Lee… I presume.

@темы: Fringe


“Some people have lives; some people have music.”

Slowly fading away
You're lost and so afraid
Where is the hope in a world so cold
Looking for a distant light
Someone who could save a life
You're living in fear that no one will hear your cries
Can you save me now

@темы: music


“Some people have lives; some people have music.”
пересматривая в n-ый раз трейлер ГИ.
знак, которым жители Дистрикта 12 приветствуют Китнисс, когда она занимает место Прим - три пальца левой руки..
почему в трейлере правая...:hmm::hmm:

@темы: movies, book stuff, The Hunger Games


“Some people have lives; some people have music.”

@темы: Harry Potter


“Some people have lives; some people have music.”

ADDISON: [to Ryan] This is none of your business! I am speaking to my sister!
AMELIA: I’m not your sister.
ADDISON: Look at this. You took this from your mother? Do you know how that’s gonna make her feel?
LENNY: Okay, let’s everyone, calm down.
VIOLET: What is the significance of the watch?
AMELIA: Nothing. It’s a watch.
VIOLET: Amelia.
AMELIA: My mom gave it to my dad for their anniversary one year.
ADDISON: That is not the significance.
SAM: Addison—
ADDISON: It’s not, and you know it’s not, Sam. Amelia. Two guys came into her father’s store when she was 5 years—
AMELIA: Shut up! You do not tell that story! That is not your story! He was not your dad! He was my dad! You shut your mouth! Shut up, you stupid, ignorant monster bitch! You do not tell that story. You do not ever tell that story. You ever tell that story to anyone… and I will kill you with my bare hands.

Private Practice; 5x08 “Who Are We”

@темы: via tumblr, Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice

“Some people have lives; some people have music.”
I'm here because we all agreed we would be here. And I'm here because you don't get how lonely most people are.
See, most people, they just go to work. They go to work, they come home,
maybe they have friends.
But on any given day, they're not sharing as much or caring as much or giving as much as all of you give to each other on an average Wednesday.
So, yes, you're right, I don't know you.
But I know that you have a family here and I see that you're destroying it.
If you continue down this path, you won't just go down alone, Amelia.
You'll take all the people that love you down with you.


I don't know how to apologize. I don't know how. I wanna take back everything I said. I know I can't. I was sick and I was scared and I didn't mean... I wanted to hurt you. I was trying to hurt you and I think I succeeded. And if I could change that, if I could go back and say, if I could go back and undo...
The drugs are... Some people think that alcohol and drugs bring out the truth, and maybe that's the case with normal people, I don't know. I will never know. But I know that with me the drugs bring out lies, bring out hate and bring out cruelty, ambitiousness - and those things are not me. They are not the real me. The real me is the person that you knew before the drugs. The real me is the person that is sitting here now. And I hope that you believe me when I say how sorry I am. But even if you don't believe me I have to say it anyway because I wanna live.
The man I love died and I think he would be... I think he would be so pissed at me if I died too, so I'm saying sorry and I'm saying that I hope you can forgive me... I hope I can forgive myself. I can't take back, but I'm gonna try to move forward and I'm gonna try to be better. I'm gonna try to never hurt any of you ever again.


этот эпизод просто выжал меня...:weep::weep::weep:

@темы: Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice, citations

“Some people have lives; some people have music.”

читать дальше

Почему, Шонда??

@темы: Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice


“Some people have lives; some people have music.”

@темы: music


“Some people have lives; some people have music.”
 Kleo Li,очень рада у себя видеть!!!:flower::white:

@темы: ПыЧики


“Some people have lives; some people have music.”

@темы: via tumblr, Fringe

“Some people have lives; some people have music.”
17.11.2011 в 20:35
Пишет  Xomaaa:

I'll Always Remember One Tree Hill

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@темы: ОТН, video


“Some people have lives; some people have music.”
а я только что с Рассвета.

а вообще в целом, весь фильм не покидало ощущение сказки...чего-то волшебного, нереального... и хотя я уже остыла к "Сумеркам" в последнее время, сегодня выходя из кинотеатра я вспомнила, почему в свое время я так полюбила эти книги и фильмы.

@темы: movies, Twilight saga


“Some people have lives; some people have music.”
и неважно,что я терпеть не могу 3D!!! на это я обнозначно пойду....мурашки....

16.11.2011 в 23:54
Пишет  petite_fleur:

трейлер 3D версии Титаника. Мурашки побежали ^^

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