И не понимаю, как такой серьезный актер играет Метатрона в этой американской комедии. Не понимаю Марианну, что глупит и поначалу не ценит полковника Брэндона. Я борюсь против Робин Гуда с шерифом Ноттингема. Оплакиваю дочь с Антуан Риши, с судьей Тёрпин я ставлю "палки в колеса" миссис Ловетт. Ставлю на пьедестал Ганса Грубера.
Я на странице 394 и не могу прекратить плакать, ведь он же обещал, что Когда мне будет 80, и я по-прежнему буду читать “Гарри Поттера”, моя семья спросит меня: “После стольких лет?”, а я отвечу “Всегда”
Помогите Дружку Люди, прошу, перепостите эту собачку: vk.com/priut_teremok?w=wall-5372304_22671 У него ни одного перепоста, а ведь такая хорошая собачка. Одна из немногих в приюте, кто очень добр и ласков ко всем. Он небольшой домашний мальчик, а все никак не найдет свой дом. А имя его - Дружок.
Дорогие мои! С НОВЫМ ГОДОМ!!!! Я от всего сердца желаю вам быть счастливыми!!!! Искренне и безгранично!!!!! Пусть ваша жизнь будет воплощением ваших самых сокровенных желаний! Люблю вас, обнимаю крепко!
1. Jennifer Probst, Baby, It's Cold Outside // A book of short stories 2. Daphne du Maurier, Rebecca // A mystery or thriller 3. Cecelia Ahern, The Year I Met You // A book from an author you love that you haven’t read yet 4. Rob Thomas, Jennifer Graham Mr. Kiss and Tell (Veronica Mars #2) // A book based on or turned into a TV show 5. Jessica Shirvington, Corruption // A book with a one-word title 6. Gregory David Roberts, Shantaram // A book with more than 500 pages 7. Стивен Кинг, Рита Хейуорт, или Побег из Шоушенка // A book by an author you’ve never read before 8. Кен Кизи, Пролетая над гнездом кукушки // A book a friend recommended 9. Neil Gaiman, М значит Магия // A book with magic 10. Alice Oseman, Solitaire // A book with a one-word title 11. Jenny Han, To All the Boys I've Loved Before // A book based entirely on its cover 12. Priscilla Glenn, Coming Home // A book by a female author 13. Samantha Young, Hero // A book published this year 14. Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner // A book set in a different country 15. Susan Ee, End of days // A book with nonhuman characters 16. Katja Millay, The Sea of Tranquility, The Sea of Tranquility // A book you can finish in one day 17. Rebecca Donovan, Reason to Breathe (Breathing #1) // A trilogy 18. Rebecca Donovan, Barely Breathing (Breathing, #2) // A trilogy 19. Rebecca Donovan, Out of Breath (Breathing, #3) // A trilogy 20. Karina Halle, Pact // A book with a love triangle 21. Me before you, Jojo Moyes // A book at the bottom of your to-read list 22. Christine Zolendz, Here's to falling // A book that made you cry 23. Дэниел Киз, Цветы для Элджернона // A book that was originally written in a different language 24. Эрих Мария Ремарк, На Западном Фронте Без Перемен // A book your mom loves 25. Hilary Mantel, Bring Up the Bodies (Thomas Cromwell, #2) // A book based on a true story 26. J.K. Rowling, Very Good Lives: The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination 27. Fisher Amelie, Vain // A book you started but never finished 28. R.L. Mathewson, Playing fo keeps // A funny book 29. Colleen Hoover, Ugly love // A book set somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit 30. Colleen Hoover, Maybe Someday // 31. Ольга Шевлягина, Мир после 32. Уильям Голдинг, Повелитель мух // A book that scares you 33. Andy Weir, Martian // A book that became a movie 34. Александр Дюма-сын, Дама с камелиями // A book more than 100 years old 35. Robert Galbraith, The Cuckoo's Calling (Cormoran Strike, #1) // A popular author’s first book 36. Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland // A book from your childhood 37. Roald Dahl, Matilda // A book that came out the year you were born 38. Colleen Hoover, November 9 // A book with a number in the title 39. Colleen Hoover, Confess // // A book written by someone under 30 40. Kasie West, The Fill-In Boyfriend // A book set in high school 41. Уильям Шекспир, Макбет // A play 42. Sous ton regard, Laurence Lemarchal // A memoir 43. My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories // A book set during Christmas 44. Натаниель Готорн, Алая Буква // A book with a color in the title 45. Ali Harris, The First Last Kiss // A book with antonyms in the title 46. Alan Moore , V for Vendetta // A graphic novel 47. Анна Франк, Убежище. Дневник в письмах // A nonfiction book 48. Thomas More, Utopia // A book with bad reviews 49. Джейн Остен, Доводы рассудка // A classic romance 50. Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea // A Pulitzer Prize-winning book 51. Михаил Булгаков, Собачье сердце // A book you were supposed to read in school but didn’t 52. Сесилия Ахерн, Волшебный дневник // A book written by an author with your same initials 53. Джордж Оруэлл, Скотный двор // A banned book 54. Дмитрий Емец, Таня Гроттер и птица титанов // A book you own but have never read 55. Андрей Гребенщиков, Метро 2033. Ниже ада // A book that takes place in your hometown 56. Дмитрий Емец, Мефодий Буслаев. Огненные Врата 57. Rick Yancey, The Infinite Sea (The 5th Wave, #2) // A book set in the future
Сегодня сделала то, чего страшно боялась и для чего собиралась с мыслями несколько недель. В августе наши пути с подругой, с которой я дружила 10 лет и которая была, пожалуй, одним из самых близких мне людей в городе, разошлись. Потому что она выбросила меня из своей жизни, как мусор. Не хочу вдаваться в подробности, но мы не общались 4 месяца. А ее сын - мой крестник. И я просто не могла не поздравить его с Новым Годом. Поэтому собрав все свои силы, сегодня я к ним съездила.
Само собой ревела страшно, когда пришла домой, но пришло успокоение, closure. У меня нет обиды, нет ненависти, мне просто больно. Я сидела и смотрела на человека, с которым столько всего пережито, которому я всегда бежала на выручку днем ночью, а она вела себя как обычно, будто не было этих 4 месяцев молчания.
Понимание, что человек не понимает, насколько она сделала больно и что пути назад нет. Но крестник был очень рад меня видеть, рад подаркам, а значит оно того стоило.
а у вас бывает такое, что музыка на определенный период времени становится вашим всем? То есть не так, что ты слушаешь ее фоном, или по дороге на учебу/работу, а когда тебе НЕОБХОДИМО ее слушать каждую секунду твоего дня. Словно ты боишься пустоты и мыслей, если она прекратится. Когда музыка и слова становятся частью твоей жизни, даже когда ты не была в ситуациях, о которых говорится в песне и не испытывала подобных чувств. Когда ты идя по улице, смахиваешь слезы, которые не можешь остановить, услышав всего одну строку или аккорд. Вот у меня такое сейчас происходит...
И с последнее время такое случается все чаще и чаще.
песня дня, не знаю почему. люблю The sсript все-таки за нереальное количество потрясающих песен!
You hit the drink, you take a toke Watch the past go up in smoke, ye Fake a smile, yeah, lie and say that You're better now than ever, and your life's okay Well it's not, no
You're doing all these things out of desperation You're going through six degrees of separation
First, you think the worst is a broken heart What's gonna kill you is the second part And the third is when your world splits down the middle And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself Fifth, you see them out with someone else And the sixth is when you admit you may have fucked up a little
Что за день-то такой?! Сначала Homeland, теперь Haven. Вот бросила на середине сезона, и нечего было смотреть. Короче, я сделаю вид, что последних серий не случилось, и буду помнить Дюка вот таким!!! Denial уже срабатывал ни раз...
читать дальшеQuinn is dead. There’s no way around that. It was made clear during the episode that his prognosis was ominous and that the chances of waking up and going back to the Quinn we knew were close, if not equal to zero. The light entering the window was meant to be a symbol of what Quinn wrote in the letter. That he wanted Carrie to see him as a beacon of light for her. That’s why Carrie smiled at that moment. We’re supposed to be touched by how she sees him now as some sort of guardian angel for her.
Well, guess what, he has been his guardian angel for the past 4 years, so no, I’m not going to feel satisfied with that bullshit consolation price.
(More under the cut because it’s long)
The reason the scene was kind of left ‘ambiguous’, and they didn’t show us an actual death is because of two reasons.
1) The most likely way in which Carrie would end Quinn’s life was by putting a pillow to his face. And they were not about to show that. No, because NOW they thought it probably would be too traumatic to see Carrie doing something like that. So they chose an ‘artistic’ and ‘evocative’ way out, that implies without actually showing. But all the elements to know what was about to happen were there.
2) They needed to leave it ambiguous to keep the hook on our mouths until season 6.That’s the truth people, the show doesn’t care about us other than to use us as tools for their gain. They simply need us to keep the buzz in the media. It’s well known that today one of the measures of popularity of a tv show is how active is in the media (twitter, tumblr, facebook, and every other big social site). How many times it gets named, how many discussions are happening respect to it, how many tags are used, etc.
I have no doubt that Gansa knew from the start of the season that they would kill Quinn off. So no wonder his storyline was basically inexistent, and mostly crap just thrown wherever it could fit. He just didn’t care about Quinn. That’s the ugly truth. If he had cared, he and the writers would’ve shown at least a little bit of respect for the character and would’ve made an effort to give him a decent storyline and a decent send off. Instead of that, what we got was Quinn being thrown repeatedly into different kinds of tortures (hey, but it worked for the angst, right?) and unconscious for half of the season. They could have had the decency of killing Quinn on 5x04 if they were to kill him all along, but no, why do that when they could keep reeling us in with fake hopes, to keep us watching the entire season.
To me it feels they just wanted to get rid of Quinn. Why? I can imagine several reasons for it, but one of the most obvious has to do with his relationship with Carrie. They knew they had written themselves into a corner. They knew the way they had developed this relationship there was no valid reason to not explore them. But here’s where the problem comes: Gansa was not about to let that happen, because OMG romance could damage the ‘elite/serious’ status of his show. And we wouldn’t want that, would we? To ruin the ‘prestige’ of the show by getting themselves into a theme as ‘silly’ and ‘highschoolish’ as romance seems to be for them.
But guess what, no content with that, with killing Quinn, they also made a clear effort to rub in our faces that Carrie was not in love with him. She probably never was, or maaaybe she thought she was for a flickering moment a long time ago. Oh no, but wait… that had just been the ‘trauma of Islamabad’, remember?
The truth is, in hindsight, those polemic 9 days weren’t about sloppy writing. Those 9 days represented exactly the same that the finale showed us with Carrie having sex with Jonas while Quinn was on the brink of death: that Quinn was never a priority in her heart. Sure, she cared about him as a friend, she loved him as a friend, and she clearly felt indebted to him, and guilty. But that was all there was.
There was never a chance for them, because the show never intended to actually give them one. The show never intended for Carrie to love Quinn the way he loved her.
Not satisfied with ALL this, they throw us the backstory of Quinn. And guess what, it was just more misery. A kid from a foster home, recruited in his teen years to become an assassin. That “I belong in the darkness” from the letter is just more crap to me. Quinn didn’t keep coming back to black ops because he felt attracted to darkness. Quinn kept coming back because it was literally ALL he knew in his entire life. The only thing that ever gave him purpose and got him out from a life on the streets. He never knew what it was to have a family, to have a normal life, and to feel loved.
So in summary, what the show gave us this season of Quinn: A snippet of his hard childhood, him giving his heart and his life for a woman that never felt the same for him, being put under torture after torture, only to be killed in the most horrible way, stripping him even of his dignity, that was probably the last and only thing he had left.
читать дальшеOh sure, they gave us the letter… well, let me tell you… considering all the other crap the episode gave us, I just can’t care about the letter. The fact is, the letter was the breadcrumb thrown at us to try to keep us ‘satisfied’. “Oh look, how little sense of self worth Quinn had, but look how much he loved Carrie”. Like we didn’t know ALL that already. “Here, have this nice little thing to keep you distracted so you don’t complain about all the other real shit we’re just throwing at you. Don’t say we didn’t give you anything”.
I didn’t need to be told once again how much Quinn loved Carrie. What I needed was to see Quinn feeling loved, and having a chance to some kind of peace… on this earth. And of course I didn’t get any of that.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tv character so mistreated and so little loved by their creators. Quinn never had a chance at anything: he never had a chance at happiness, at peace, at being loved the way he deserved, at knowing what that felt.
Brody had a family that loved him. He had the love of Carrie. He had a chance at the redemption his character needed, and he had an entire episode dedicated to him, and to his death, with Carrie’s focus completely set on him.
Carrie has her family who loves her inconditionally. She has her daughter. She had two years of a normal, blissful life. She knew love, and she had the chance to feel loved (even if it didn’t last permanently).
Homeland закончен для меня. Пора задуматься о том, чтобы не любить персонажей, читать дальше потому что те, кого я люблю и за кого переживаю, либо умирают, либо бесконечно несчастны...
Питер, мой любимый мужчина. Который прошел через ад, и которого Кэрри и Соул, по сути убили своими руками... Не прощу. И ненавижу Кэрри за то, что она предала Квина. За то, что ей было НАСРАТЬ на то, где он, в течение 9 fucking дней. За то, что он переспала с этим немцем ( я даже имени его не запомнила), когда Квин был в больнице, на волоске от смерти, после того, что ОНА и Соул сделали.
И не надо говорить мне о высшем благе, что главная задача- обезвредить террористов и т.д. Ей просто было НАПЛЕВАТЬ!