
“Some people have lives; some people have music.”
21.09.2011 в 22:48
Пишет  fox.:

I lived a lot of different lives
Been different people many times
I live my life in bitterness
And fill my heart with emptiness
And now I see, see for the first time
There is no crime in being kind
Not everyone is out to screw you over
Maybe and just maybe they just want to get to know you

Now the time is here
Baby, you don't have to live your life in fear
And the sky is clear
It's clear of fear
I don't want to live in fear and loathing
I want to feel like I am floating
Instead of constantly exploding
In fear and loathing
Got different people inside my head
I wonder which one that they like best
I'm done with trying to have it all
And ending up with not much at all

URL записи

@темы: music

21.09.2011 в 21:46

impossible girl
22.09.2011 в 01:22

impossible girl
кстати, я в восторге от видео, вообще, обожаю Марину и ее творчество :heart:
22.09.2011 в 06:50

“Some people have lives; some people have music.”
fox., :squeeze::squeeze: песня очень красивая, видео обязательно дома посмотрю.
как у тебя дела? как учеба?
22.09.2011 в 14:54

impossible girl
Aler@, чтобы не вдаваться в подробности - плохо.
22.09.2011 в 20:50

“Some people have lives; some people have music.”
совсем? и улучшение не грядет?
22.09.2011 в 21:32

impossible girl
Aler@, пока - нет.

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