
“Some people have lives; some people have music.”

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Do you know what it's like to be raised by someone who didn't want you?
I do.
To know you stood in the way of your mother's career?
I do.
I was raised by a Cristina. My mother was a Cristina.
And as the child she didn't want, I am telling you, don't do this to her,
because she's kind and she cares and she won't make it.
The guilt of resenting her own kid will eat her alive.

@темы: tv shows, citations

23.09.2011 в 22:44

My love for you burns like a dying phoenix.
Блииин....я ещё даже серию не посмотрела, а уже расплакалась....:weep3::weep3::weep3:
23.09.2011 в 23:01

“Some people have lives; some people have music.”
#Akasha#, Мэредит была так хороша в этой сцене, я тоже плакала, когда она это говорила...

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